Aims & Objectives

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Aims & Objectives:

♦ Works behind the scenes – to gather intelligence, understand power dynamics, inform engagement strategies and provide direct input into drafting and policy-making for our partners Through direct diplomatic engagement with capitals across the globe and at the United Nations.

♦ Encourage the people of Inter-Pacific Countries and other the international community to participate in and further the work of the United Nations

♦ Co-operate,where appropriate,with other organizations whose objects include support of The United Nations

♦ Promote economic development ,enhancement of social progress and better standards of life.

♦ To strive for the recognition of and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the world and for the recognition of the responsibilities and duties which those rights involve for individuals,groups and states,

♦ Provide advice and assistance in diplomatic strategy and technique to governments and political groups that are committed to human rights, democracy and international law, using a variety of working methods.

♦ Facilitating negotiations between political rivals, mitigate the regional and international chaos & Clash.

♦ Advance the course of peace, by providing a strong platform for all interested parties on peace issues and related matters.

♦ Serving as a Global Think & do Tank by bringing the world’s leading thought leadership from UNIDA members across a wide variety of industries.

♦ Work with disadvantaged and vulnerable groups to help them achieve their political goals through diplomacy.

♦ Promote the interaction of existing peace activists and peace loving organizations and developing interpersonal skills for handling relationships and conflict constructively.

♦ Establish peace onto the agendas of organizations and to institutionalize peace.

♦ Provide a strong platform, based on research and sound infrastructure, for educational, community and international activities.

♦ Get together to share best practices, exchange ideas, and provide support and mentoring to the members community

♦ Harness commitment and expertise, including the experience of our elders and the vitality of our youth.

♦ Liaise and partner with individual, social and educational institution working for peace.

♦ Promote tolerance, understanding. solidarity and co-operation among men, women and children throughout the world without distinction as to race, sex, language ,religion or political orientation

♦ Link people and organizations, interested in building a peaceful world through international communication, such as newsletters, journals, summits, international conclave, symposia and missions worldwide.

♦ Contribute to the removal of obstacles to peace, to work for justice, security and disarmament and to promote the development of peaceful co-existing and co-operation among Inter-pacific & other Nations

♦ Promote economic development ,enhancement of social progress and better standards of life.

♦ Promote peace awareness actively through involvement of the media/event to promote peaceful and positive community values.

♦ Model peace-making values within the framework and outside.

♦ Enable and encourage technology transfer and best practice sharing between developed and developing states in order facilitate greater sustainable development among developing states and its citizens and civil society bodies.