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The United Nations Inter-pacific Association (UNIPA)- Established in 1989 by Dr.Muhammed Haider Ali, A pioneer gentleman from Bangladesh. UNIPA- is a Non-partisan, Non-religious and Non- Government multinational  Non-Profit Organization (NPO), dedicated to inform, inspire and mobilize peoples across the Inter-pacific regions to support the ideals and vital work of the United Nations. Registered with the Swedish Government(Reg.No-802532-3380) devoted to building support for the UN among-st policymakers, opinion-formers and the public. UNIPA works to strengthen and improve the United Nations. UNIPA achieve this through the engagement of people who share a global mindset and support international cooperation – global citizens.
The United Nations Inter-pacific Association(UNIPA) – strives to promote regional reconciliation through primarily engaging the youth from the entire Inter-pacific countries, supporting and promoting the values of the UN, fostering civic engagement in the process of decision-making, bringing the aspect of informal education and youth networking to the attention to relevant institutions. UNIPA give special attention to the youth of Inter-pacific countries and to ensure that their voices are amplified and UNIPA is dedicated to help bring education, awareness, and inspiration to one another through our united efforts and collaboration with like-minded friends. UNIPA hope to build advocacy initiatives around issues like: Peace, Human Rights, gender equality, Justice and freedom, Alleviation of poverty and hunger, Health, Bridging the Digital Divide, Education, Environmental sustainability.UNIPA’s Head Quarters are based in London /United Kingdom and UNIPA Secretariat is located in Bangkok,the capital city of Thailand.

Our Vision

Everyone matters – reaching a just, peaceful, reconciled, inclusive and sustainable society by engaging relevant stakeholders, youth and individuals in a process that fosters bottom-up interaction.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote human rights, peace, reconciliation, civic engagement and youth participation, mainly by promoting the Sustainable Development Goals and the Charter of the United Nations. We are dedicated to promoting and raising awareness of the values and spirit of the United Nations within The Inter-pacific Countries, as well as the principles of understanding, tolerance, coexistence and inter connectivity of the people regardless of the language, gender, race, national, ethnic or religious affiliation.

What we believe

We believe that peoples’ involvement in all levels of regional and global decision-making is essential in order to achieve the goals of the United Nations.

What we value

UNIPA’s mission is grounded in what we value:

Impact: We value performance and results. We set and hold ourselves accountable to high standards.

Respect: We listen to and learn from our constituents, partners, funders, and one another. We value diverse perspectives and strive to incorporate them in our work.

Empowerment: We believe in the power of knowledge and its capacity to mobilize human beings to create a better world.

Collaboration: We work as a team within UNIPA and with our partners. We share ideas and try to align our efforts with those of others who are dedicated to the goals of the United Nations.

Innovation: We seek original approaches for achieving our goals, taking advantage of creative communication for our outreach.

Passion: We are committed to making a difference. We strive for what can be; we do not settle for what is.

We pursue this mission by:

  • Explaining how the UN works and what it can realistically achieve
  • Connecting people and organizations to the UN’s work and values
  • Providing an interface between the UN and the Inter-pacific Countries
  • Calling for active and progressive Inter-pacific leadership at the UN
  • Stimulating debate and action on how to make the UN more effective, transparent, inclusive and accountable
  • Convening key players from all sectors, in the Inter-pacific countries and internationally, to promote multilateral solutions to global problems
  • Equipping our members and supporters to further all of these aims